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Faithful Friends

Azalea Baptist Church 

Baptist church in St. Petersburg, Florida 


Bldg 28 Church 

a community of believers in Jesus Christ 


Calvary Christian High School 

A College Preparatory High School 


Calvary Church 

Building Relationships to Bring People to Dynamic Life in Christ 


Church of the Ascension 

A compassionate community of faith serving the Risen Christ 


Clearwater Community Church 

Building a Christ Centered Community to Reach Our Community 


Community Bible Baptist Church 

Love God. Love People. 


Countryside Baptist Church 

Helping life make sense 


Faith Lutheran Church 

Love, Care & Serve 


First Baptist Church of Safety Harbor 

We exist to make, mature & mobilize disciples of Jesus Christ 

Freedom Ministries Church of Pinellas 

our mission to help you explore your relationship with God 


Harborside Christian Church 

to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ 


Iglesia Adventista, Hispana de Pinellas 
Esparcir la semilla del Evangelio


Keene Terrace Baptist 
A place where love lives... 


Liberty Baptist Church If you believe the bible, attend a church that teaches the bible


Mt. Carmel Baptist Church 
Baptist Church in Clearwater, Florida 

North Dunedin Baptist Church 

Helping people navigate through the transitions of life 


Northside Baptist Church 
to make disciples of Jesus Christ both here and abroad 

Northwood Community Church 
Glorifying God by developing mature disciples through worship, study of the Word, prayer, fellowship and outreach to others. 


Northwood Presbyterian Church 
Where we're small enough to know you, and large enough to serve you! 

Oakhurst United Methodist Church 
we strive to engage with our community and to be an active member of our community on many levels 

Ozona Community 
dedicated to leading others to the fullness of a relationship with God 

Seminole First Baptist Church 
To lead people to know Jesus Christ and grow in Christ likeness 


Skycrest Community Church 
Encouraging people through a connected life in Christ 

Skycrest Christian School , K4-8th
Partnering with Christian families to prepare students to impact the world for Jesus Christ! 

St. John's Episcopal Church 
Celebrating 50 years of ministry 

St. Paul United Methodist Church 
Glorifying God, Grow in Faith, Give in Love 

St. Petersburg Christian School 
to provide an excellent education in a safe and nurturing environment, equipping students to fulfill God's plan for their lives. 

Suncoast Bible Presbyterian Church 
975 County Road 1, Palm Harbor, FL 34683, Tel. (727) 787-2086, Rev. Morris McDonald 


The Point 
Leading People To Love God, Share Their Story and To Serve Others 



Serving Mothers, Saving Babies, Sharing Truth
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