(727) 449-1988

Partner with us to serve our community
Bay Area Pregnancy Center

As our primary source of funding, we rely on financial donations from local businesses, churches, schools, and individuals. We also accept donations of real estate and personal property.
Checks should be made out to "Bay Area Pregnancy Center." Electronic Payments Accepted through PayPal.
Baby Bottle Boomerang
Your church, school, or business is welcome to host a Baby Bottle Boomerang event anytime. We will provide your organization with labeled baby bottles to distribute among your group. Individuals are welcome to participate as well. Participants fill baby bottles with spare change and donate the filled bottle to the center. It's fun and easy, all while supporting the Bay Area Pregnancy Center. Call the center for more information.
Charitable Gift Annuities
We work closely with a local organization to assist donors in setting up a will and a charitable gift annuity as an option for estate planning. When the contract is established, a portion of the annuity is set aside specifically for BAPC.
Prayer Support
The most important way to help our organization is to provide prayer support. Every day we are presenting Christ's message of love, hope, and salvation to our clients and their family members. Staff and volunteers start each day with prayer and devotion.

Volunteer Opportunities
BAPC volunteers are special to us and are dedicated to our mission. Our volunteers play a vital role in the everyday functions of our centers. Some of the areas in which we rely on our volunteers for support include:
Ways that you can help...
Peer counseling
Host a baby shower
Help at the warehouse sale
Office support
Clothes closet
Mommy store
Special events